an inside look at the lives of Beyond the Ashes. our thoughts, our ramblings and whatever else we can come up with. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011


I'm in a season of life where I am questioning everything.  I am a very "black and white" person and there aren't many grey areas, if any at all with me.  I try and reason out everything and want every situation to somehow all make sense.

I'm quickly learning, once again, that life doesn't work that way.  There will always be doubts and questions.  It's all in how we handle it...

When doubt, questions and worry consume my mind, I am reminded of one of my favorite scriptures..

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." -Phil. 4:6

In all of my worry and stress, I usually forget to even ask God what to do!!  How hypocritical of me, huh?  Deep down I know that God has everything under control and He's just letting me try and figure it out.  Then when I finally realize I can't, He is right there beside me to show me how to handle it.   It is then that the peace of God fills my heart and I know everything is alright.

It's alright to ask fact, I believe God want's us to ask questions.  It allows us to converse with Him and it let's Him prove His sovereignty.  Just don't let your questions and doubts consume you.  Read John 16:33 for that one.  :)

Oh more thing.  Did you see the part in the verse that said "with thanksgiving?"  Yeah...I usually overlook that too.  In this season of celebrating all that we have to be thankful for, don't forget to thank God for prayer.  It's a beautiful way that we can have a conversation with a God that we can't see, but we can sure feel Him!  

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!