an inside look at the lives of Beyond the Ashes. our thoughts, our ramblings and whatever else we can come up with. :)

Friday, February 25, 2011


If you ever want to really insult a Christian, say the following:
“I don’t think you’re relevant.”
That is our kryptonite. The idea of irrelevance keeps us up at night. Seriously, if someone doesn’t find us to be relevant than we’re probably going to need to scratch everything we have been doing and immediately go into a planning meeting to regain momentum. Irrelevance is simply unacceptable.
The weird thing though is that in some ways, Jesus was the perfect example of what it means to be “irrelevant.” Think about it. His message was the exact opposite of what was going on in the world. People were expecting a strong, powerful, forceful savior and instead got a baby. The powers that be were drunk on the law and He preached against their hypocrisy. He shunned the people that were relevant and hung out with the irrelevant, the tax collectors, hookers and sinners. Now granted you could argue that to a world hungry for truth, the truth of Christ was very relevant, but I’m just saying it’s an interesting thought exercise.
Think about it...does our desire to be "relevant" outweigh our desire for Christ and spreading His gospel?  Last time I checked, our calling to make disciples is MUCH greater than our call to relevancy.  

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